User Posts: admin
Strangle Things Funny BJJ Shirt

This shirt is a cross between Stranger Things and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Buy this gift for someone that likes both or wants to make fun of Stranger Things. ...

Gold BJJ Pre-Roll Supplement

Gold BJJ Pre-Roll Supplement is a perfect give for someone who practices Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and wants to take a supplement. The ingredients are ...

BJJ Tactical Hugging Funny T-Shirt

Know someone who likes to be funny? This is the perfect BJJ gift. This shirt will definitely bring some laughs and looks. There's a joke in the Brazilian Jiu ...

Hayabusa Metaru BJJ Fight Shorts

The Hayabusa Metaru BJJ/MMA Shorts make for a great gift because of their superior fit and quality. Hayabusa is one of the best brands out there right now for ...

Civilize The Mind, Make The Body Savage T-Shirt

The Civilize The Mind, Make The Body Savage t-shirt is epitome of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu which is why this shirt makes a great gift. BJJ practitioners need to ...

Penguin Fingers a Finger and Toe Compression Ice Pack

Penguin Fingers a finger and toe compression ice pack BJJ gift is perfect for someone who trains because it targets specific areas on the hand or foot. ...

Baby Onesie With My Dad Can Choke Out Your Dad

Know a Dad who's proud of his baby and trains Jiu Jitsu? Check out this onesie that says "My Dad Can Choke Out Your Dad!". This is a great gift for him that ...

Armadillo Skin Finger Tape

The Armadillo Skin finger tape will help support finger joints which is why this makes a great BJJ gift. Jiu Jitsu practitioners need their fingers for ...

Enjoy a Choke T-shirt

Enjoy a Choke funny t-shirt a perfect gift for anyone that trains  Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and has a sense of humor. This shirt will be sure to turn a few heads ...

Hawk Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Preshrunk Gi

The Hawk Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gi is relatively inexpensive compared to top of the line gi's which makes it a great gift. The gi is preshrunk and has a 1 year ...

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